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Pear Slices 2020: Digital Edition!

by Members of the Pear Playwright's Guild

Spring means Slices- a collection of original, short plays from the members of the Pear Playwrights Guild. An eclectic variety of stories and settings, rich characters and surprising plot twists will occupy the Pear stage, brought to life with a single cast of versatile actors. This annual short play showcase is a Pear audience favorite: amusing, intriguing, and inspiring.

We’re happy to present Pear Slices: Digital Edition, this year! Shelter-in-place friendly entertainment.

The cast, crew, and writers of Pear Slices have been experimenting with a new interpretation of this well-loved production! We have eight new plays and a cast and crew working hard to present in a new, all-digital format!

  • Not a live stream - costume, lighting, and sound design all accomplished remotely!

  • Easy access with a link and a password

FREE! We are offering this production as entertainment for our Pear Patrons, suggested donation of $15 but if you choose to donate more….

Pear Slices Backstage Pass!

Donate $30 or more when you sign up and get a  BACKSTAGE PASS!

  • Exclusive videos of the rehearsal process for each Pear Slice play!

  • Interviews with the writers of Pear Slices!

  • Access to a pre-recorded Talk-Back.

  • Invitation to a LIVE talk back with the cast and crew in May.

  • And MORE!